I Saw The Most Beautiful Angel...
Saw my angel outside the lecture theatre after the politcal econs and i was kinda rooted to the ground. She looks the same old her but then maybe a slight change to her hair or maybe she sun tanned a bit but she simply looks so sweet and awesome. I just hanged around outside for like 5 minutes to enjoy the beautiful scene.... and of course some fresh air from dunno where. Looks so hard to get to talk to her cause we had never talk to each other before although we were in the same class a few times the previous 2 semester. Anyway i think i shouldnt be dreaming too hard... she may not had any good impression of me and i am not the type that would attract attention anyway hehe...
Signed up for the stock/futures trading competition. As we were taking part in a group of 4s, I chun kiat, damian and joe took part as a team.... As a result left out ryan and he had to call JM, An-an and, Steven to take part as another team... He seems a bit pissed off cause we like push him out of the group haha.... but the competition states 4 per group. Anyway i knew that he would definitely call JM and his FRDS to form another group.
I began to feel that NTU is just a market place where everyone come and go to buy stuffs or to chat with one another. It is not a place where u gain knowledge. Rather you should already know what u had been learning through your studies at home and by doing yut tutorials. The campus on its own is just a market whereby all the students come together and exchange information of what they have been learning and share their problems whether it is personnal based or studies based. Also, people wear slippers and shorts walking around the campus except for those dumb professors who think they are very well respected dress so well in the campus. Damn i am crapping again... Maybe it is because i am gonna graduate soon next June and didnt wanna miss school life~~~
Seems like my internet connection is a bit back to the normal as i began to continue my mass downloading of movies and jap dramas hehe. A recent jap drama that i downloaded: 2004热播日剧 - 在世界中心呼喊爱 was a very good one.
简 介
打破日本国内书籍销售量最高306万本的小说「 在世界的中心呼喊爱」,自电影改编之後创下不错的票房成绩,TBS电视台也预计在夏季推出连续剧版本。剧中饰演初恋情人因患白血病死去的男主角是新一代的年轻演员山田孝之,而初恋情人则是新人绫濑遥香来演出,预计从7/2开始播出。 接演男主角的山田自去年夏天首次主演富士电视台「水男孩」一剧人气大幅成长,对於这次能够演出改编当红原着的连续剧,他也表示「很有压力呢!不过我希望将压力化为助力,一定要让这部戏成功」。 而在戏中因为白血病而突然病逝的亚纪一角,则是特别举行试演会,从723人中选出绫濑遥香,而她本人则是自信的说「这是一个很重要的角色,所以觉得很紧张,不过我会尽全力演出,希望这出剧结束之後自己也会有所成长」。 而此剧的主题曲则是由演出电影版的柴崎幸来演唱,今年二月推出首张专辑便大卖50万张的柴崎,在歌手方面的成绩也备受瞩目。目前主题曲的名称尚未决定,不过将会是纯爱的抒情曲。 TBS电视台预计从7/2开始播出的新连续剧「 在世界的中心呼喊爱」於昨天(29日)在东京都内举行制作发表会,这是目前在日本形成的“世界中~”风潮继原着小说、电影之後的第三波,而电视台方面也自信的表示「一定会带给大家看了会哭的连续剧」。 连续剧版中饰演男主角的是山田孝之,而他也坦承「我读过原作,可是没有看过电影」,并解释原因的说「因为我不想受他人所影响,所以乾脆不看好了」。山田想以自己的演技来表现出连续剧的「纯爱」和「失去爱人的悲伤」两大主题。 另外,剧中患有白血病在17岁时就去世的女主角亚纪是从723人的试演会中选出来的绫濑遥香,而她也开心的表示「这是我非常想演出的角色。」 另外,演出成人之後的是绪形直人、松下由树、三浦友和等人,主题曲则是由主演电影版的柴崎幸来演唱。