O2 Xphone II
Just got a new phone today... cost me $627... haha but its a damn cool device. Works like a PDA and a computer but then its a handphone. Really cool and there are many functions waiting for me to explore. Also the cameras and videos and mediaplayers rocks like hell... And i can get online to msn even when i am having lesson. But its kinda hard to type using the handphones... type too slow hehe. Here are some pictures taken using the handphone...

My house... lolx... looks like a castle eh??

Taken from inside the living room... sun looks bright

Dota getting loaded... Some people coms are just too slow... so wait and wait...

My messy study cum play games table... lolx.. .so messy... jialat

Front view of the messy table... so untidy... sighz.. too lazy to clear the mess

Opps... My cds.... a lot hor... Actually got some more... wahhahaah

My book shelf... mostly occupied by mangas... haha no space liao
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