This few days had been really busy. All the projects are gonna be due on week 11!!! The worst is that we had barely touched on the 219 project... That day went with stefan to katong comic connection to buy some Naruto figurines. He was talking about how his gf bought him those figureines and blah blah blah... and he lost one Kakashi key chain which he attached to his bags. As far as i am concerned, the keychains that i attached to my bags never lasted for more then a month. And he seems so sad and when he saw that they got sell the same design at katong, he was like so happy... like a child got back his sweets.. -__-;;
Been following the political development in Taiwan. The election was in a total chaos after they announed that chen shui bian was gonna be the preseident for the second time. And being a suppoter of lian zhan and song chu yu, i feel that MR chen is really despicable in reaching his goals. I sero\iously doubt that he was shot like 1 day before the people voted. Mentioned in the newspaper, there were several doubts. 1. Why were the 20000 servicemen and police forbidden to go home and vote. 2. Why did he took the private car and hired a private driver at the time he was gonnna be shot. 3. The wound on his body looks like the bullet just slide off his body... its either he is part of the martix crew or the person who shot him was a modern robin hood.... If i were in Taiwan, i would gladly join the demonstration to show my displeasure... anyway doesnt it looks fun on tv? Maybe can get to know some girls also hahaaha...
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